Coming out at any age can be hard. Many struggle with stigma and discrimination not only from others, but also from within themselves. This video is based on interviews with LGBTQIA+ teens about coming out and their personal journey to find acceptance. It also highlights how important it is to have a support system, such as loved ones, friends, or even a trusted therapist.
Video is courtesy of Annie Oakley.
Coming Out and Mental Health
Many lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer/questioning, and intersex (LGBTQIA+) people report to dealing surprisingly well with systemic discrimination, and many do not experience depression or any other mental health condition. However, experiences with discrimination and stigmatization can lead to a higher likelihood of emotional distress, depression and anxiety.
Coming out is commonly conceptualized as a one-time experience. The stereotype is often of a young LGBTQIA+ individual coming to terms with their own identity, achieving self-acceptance, and deciding to disclose to everyone in their lives.
Enduring these stressors, LGBTQIA+ individuals often feel lonely, disconnected, confused, sad, ashamed, fearful, angry, and vulnerable. These coming out stressors help to explain the unfortunate statistic that LGBTQIA+ individuals are 3 times more likely to experience a serious mental health concern.
Whether you are struggling with gender and/or sexual identity or just looking for a therapist who understands the stress associated with it, drop us a line and let's discuss the best options that can lead to a happy and fulfilling life you deserve.